Workplace conditions have a major impact on your employees socially, physically and mentally. ME Life’s goal for corporate clients is to have a healthier workplace where employees will experience increased job satisfaction, less absenteeism and increased wellbeing. Health gives strength and power to overcome the challenges all of us are faced with in everyday life. By enrolling your employees in our Corporate Wellbeing Program your company can be happier, healthier, more energetic and more productive.

Contact us for a non-committal consultation and we´ll customize a program that fits you and your employee´s needs. Choose between:

      • Office & Lifestyle Analysis
      • Weekly Group Workouts
      • Fitness & Strength Tests
      • Private Lifestyle Consultation & Health Assessments
      • Seminars/Webinars
      • Out-Of-The-Office-Events
      • Weekly E-mail Health Tips
      • Office Challenges

Let’s build a healthier workplace together today!