2015: Mixed Martial Arts and the total commitment

Original text: Mixed Martial Arts og det totale engagement.

Danish scientific article about Mixed Martial Arts/MMA published in Forum for Idræt.

As many of you know we have been doing a lot of scientific research about MMA in cooperation with Susanne Ravn. We’ve been asked if we want to share our research by writing an article ‘Mixed Martial Arts og det totale engagement/[Mixed Martial Arts and the total commitment]’ – now it’s finally published in the scientific journal Forum for Idræt, Historie og Samfund/[Forum for Sports Science, History and Community] and are now available in Danish: http://www.universitypress.dk/s…/forum-for-idraet-3492p.html. Please notice one of our pictures made it to the cover ;P Again, THANK YOU so much to all the gyms and the fighters, coaches, etc. for making it possible: Alliance Training Center, Black House MMA, Glendale Fighting Club, Gracie Barra Burbank, Hayastan MMA Academy, Reign Training Center, Syndicate MMA, Systems Training Center and Xtreme Couture MMA!


2014: A Mixed Martial Artist’s identity, communities and practice

Original text: MMA udøver: identitet, fællesskaber og praksis.

This Danish Master Thesis is an ethnographic related study that examines 12 professional MMA practitioners in seven Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) gyms in the United States. Field work is used to collect empirical data through participant observation and individual interviews.

The aim is to present a description of MMA practioner´s life.

The thesis concludes that MMA is more than a sport, as all the practitioners’ choices support their MMA career – MMA is for the practitioners a lifestyle. To be MMA practitioners at this high level it is important and the hardest to acquire ‘the right mindset’. This applies to the ‘MMA preparations’, i.e. their mental and physical preparations up to fight, but also after a defeat. The practitioners stress the importance of having a positive circle of people to help them directly in the sport, but also to support them in their choice of identity.


2014: Bikini Ready, Set, Go 

Danish e-book about losing weight in a healthy way: “Bikiklar, parat, start”.
The e-book incl. diet plan, training plan, recipes and a lot of good advices.





2010: Rapid weight reduction in weight bearing sports

Original text: Hurtig vægtreduktion inden for vægtbærende sportsgrene.

Danish Bachelor Thesis about problems with weight loss strategies in MMA, which is a fast growing sport in Denmark. It is seen, that members of the sport have a hard time avoiding the tradition, to achieve the desired weight class to fight. We include empirical data from our 5.-6.semester internship and have two focus characters, Anders and Buster, to show how they lost weight up to their fights. In addition, we will describe the fluid in the body, physiological consequences of problematic weight loss strategies, replenishment strategies and problems with replenishment strategies. Subsequent, this project deals with how athletes find their identity through their sport and the social space. Finally, we present solutions to both younger and older fighters.